Legal Requirement to Self Isolate Policy
The Government has announced legislation that requires people to self-isolate if they are instructed to by a health professional or NHS Test and Trace. Employers are also required to comply with this, in that they are not allowed to request employees come into the workplace if they are self-isolating. Individuals and companies can be fined up to £10,000.
Below is an example policy that can be used in the workplace so that employers and employees understand how it should all work. Anyone instructed to self-isolate because they or someone in their household has symptoms, or has been instructed to self isolate is entitled to Statutory Sick Pay for 14 days.
1.1 We are committed to improving the health, wellbeing and attendance of all employees whilst ensuring we comply with recent government guidance and legislation regarding the self-isolation when individuals are instructed via NHS Test and Trace to self- isolate for 14 days because they or someone they live with have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus .
1.2 This policy is designed to assist Companies in effectively managing individuals that may need to isolate and they have been contacted via NHS Test and Trace because they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus. The policy has been created to ensure employees understand options available to them in the event of being required to self-isolate where the individual is not unwell.
1.3 Key Principles
The organisation’s policy is based on the following principles:
• As a responsible employer we will endeavour to provide alternative and flexible working options to support employees that have been instructed to self-isolate
• We will consider any advice and/or legislation given by the government in relation to this topic.
2.1 All employees are required to notify their line manager if they have been instructed to self-isolate
2.2 Such notification should be by phone
3.1 You may be able to work from home on your return depending on your role and skills. If you can work from home, you will receive instructions on logging on to the system or a laptop may be dropped to you. You must not come to the workplace to pick up any work-related items or equipment.
3.3 If you are unable to work from home due to your normal job role, the Company may offer other job roles or alternative responsibilities for the period of self isolation to enable home working. This will be at the discretion of Line Managers.
4.1 Other options may be considered if an employee cannot work from home.
• You can take paid annual leave (providing the individual has annual leave left to take)
• You can take a mixture of annual leave, and unpaid leave
• You could take unpaid leave
4.2 You can get Statutory Sick Pay if the following apply:
• you or someone you live with has coronavirus symptoms or has tested positive for coronavirus
• you’ve been notified by the NHS or public health authorities that you’ve been in contact with someone with coronavirus
• someone in your ‘support bubble’ have symptoms or has tested positive
• you’ve been advised by a doctor or healthcare professional to self-isolate before going into hospital for surgery
You can also get SSP if both of the following apply:
• you live or work in an area with local restrictions in place, including advice to ‘shield’ (take extra precautions to reduce contact with others)
• you’ve been advised to shield because you’re at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus
4.2 The Company will not be cancelling or enforcing any cancellation of leave for employees
4.3 Some special circumstances may apply, and these will be considered on an individual basis by Managers
5.1 Your Line manager will ensure all absence is systematically recorded for each employee.
6.1 If an employee has been off work due to self-isolation or sickness, they need to check in with their Line Manager before they can start back at work