The King's Speech - 17th July 2024

King Charles delivered the King’s Speech on 17th July 2024 as part of the State Opening of Parliament, setting out the Government’s priorities for the coming parliamentary session. We have prepared a two-part update to summarise the key employment related matters covered as part of this speech expected to be covered in the ‘Employment Rights Bill’.

Part 1

The King’s speech made passing reference to the intended introduction of legislation (Employment Rights Bill) which seeks to ban exploitative practices and enhance employment rights Working closely with Trade Unions and businesses the Bill intends to deliver:-

Changes to Statutory Sick Pay and the removal of the first three waiting days together with the lower earnings limit mean that all staff from the first day of sickness absence will be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay– this will certainly change the dynamics of employee absenteeism and support workers on lower earnings;

Making flexible working the ‘default’ from day one, requiring employers to accommodate the same as far as reasonable – it is uncertain what this will encompass at this time, earlier in April this year the right to make a flexible working request was made available from day one;

The ban of zero-hour contracts to ensure that workers have a contract that reflects the hours that they regularly work and reasonable notice is provided where changes in shift are necessary;

The strengthening of the protection for new mothers, making it unlawful to dismiss a woman for 6 months after her return to work (except in certain circumstances);

Reforming the law and replacing the Statutory Code banning ‘fire and ‘rehire’ and ‘fire and replace’.

Part 2

From day one of employment, protection from unfair dismissal and parental leave for all workers – it has been stated that the Government will continue to ensure employers can operate probationary periods to assess new hires;

Establishing a Fair Pay Agreement in the adult Social Care Sector;

To strengthen enforcement of workplace rights by establishing a new Single Enforcement Body (also known as a Fair Work Agency);

Updating Trade Union legislation, removing unnecessary restrictions on trade union activity including the approach to minimum service levels and providing a right for workers and union members to access a Union within workplaces; and

The reinstatement of the School Support Staff Negotiating Body to establish national terms and conditions.

If you require any HR support or have any queries on the proposed Employment Rights Bill, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us here at Tamar HR! / 01752 686570 /

(Image obtained from Wikipedia:

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